Junkeun Yi

I am a master's student at UC Berkeley, where I work on computer vision and machine learning.

Previously, I did my undergraduate studies at UC Berkeley, where I studied computer science.

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I'm interested in computer vision, especially in creating models that can reason about a scene through domains outside of its main downstream task. Currently, I am working on transformer models for video with the aim for publishing at a major AI conference.


I've lived in 6 different countries (Korea, New Zealand, Japan, Turkey, Pakistan and the US)! Also, I love spicy food!


PyTorch reimplementation of Slot Attention for Video (SAVi)
Originally by Google
Personal Project, 2022

PyTorch remiplementation of SAVi, an unsupervised / weakly supervised video model that learns representations of objects separate from each other and the background through slot attention. Original code by Google written in Jax.

Class Project, 2022

PyTorch implementation of Policy Distillation with exploration by Random Network Distillation. The model learns to distill an expert PPO policy into a smaller student network while also taking exploration steps through trying to fit a randomly initialized network.

Computational Photography Algorithms
Class Project, 2022
Alignment / Filtering & Frequencies / Morphing & Collection Modeling / Stitching & Mosaics / Keypoint Detection / Aperture & Style Transfer

Python implementations of various computational photography algorithms

RookieDB: a Java SQL database
Class Project, 2021

Java implementation of a SQL database with querying, indexing, joins, query optmization, concurrency, and recovery capabilities.

PintOS: a C Operation System
Class Project, 2019

C implementation of an Operating System with multi-threading, scheduling, synchronization, and file system capabilities.


Univeristy of California, Berkeley
Elec Eng and Computer Science MS, 2024
Computer Science BA, 2022
CS170: Efficient Algorithms and Intractable Problems
CS189: Introduction to Machine Learning
CS162: Operating Systems and Systems Programming
CS285: Deep Reinforcement Learning
CS186: Introduction to Database Systems
CS288: Natural Language Processing
CS294-82: Experimental Design for Machine Learning
EECS227: Optimization Models
CS294-196: Responsible GenAI and Decentralized Intelligence


Berkeley AI Research Lab (BAIR)
Advisor: Professor Trevor Darrell
Master's Student, 2023-2024
Undergraduate Researcher, 2021-2023

Working on publication for video transformer model.

Implemented SAVi for PyTorch, and unsupervised video object understanding model.

Republic of Korea Army
Enlisted Soldier, 2019-2022

Enlisted soldier (PV2 - SGT) in KATUSA program.

Performed English-Korean translation/interpretation and manned computing devices.

Pivotal Software Inc.
Sofware Engineering Intern, 2019

Open-Source contribution to the Greenplum Database (Postgres-based SQL database), adding backup utility and command-line interface features and fixing bugs.

Wrote pipeline for incremental changes between a database and its remote backup using Write-Ahead Log streaming, incorporating Kafka as a streaming medium and programmed consistency points for source-to-backup consistency. slides

Berkeley Networked Systems Lab (NetSys)
Undergraduate Researcher, 2018-2019

Contributed in writing AWS Kubernetes elastic cluster contorller using Kubernetes Go-client, Metrics-Server client, and the Prometheus API for resource management.

website template from Jon Barron.